Habib Umar

Video: Tranquility – Habib Umar bin Hafiz in Montreal, Canada

Video: Tranquility – Habib Umar bin Hafiz in Montreal, Canada

Tranquility amidst Turbulence: A Prophetic Message for Our Times

MARCH 15th at 8:30pm (after Isha prayer)

A short lecture will be given by Habib Umar entitled:
“Tranquility Amidst Turbulence: A Prophetic Message for our Times”
(Arabic with English Translation)

The lecture will be followed with a nasheed by Anas Al-Sayed

Le contenu des vidéos publiées ne reflète pas nécessairement l’opinion de la mosquée Al Rawdah et MAC ( l’Association Musulmane du Canada )
The content of the videos published do not necessary reflect the views of Al Rawdah mosque and MAC ( Muslim Association of Canada )