Am I Excused For Not Knowing That I Needed To Perform Ghusl Before Leading Prayer?

Question: When I was younger in my teens possibly aged between around 13-16, I led salah a few times. I was not that learned in the religion. I used to have the habit of committing the secret habit (masturbation), and I did not do a fard ghusl after committing it as I did not know that it was needed. I also did know that a fard ghusl was needed after emission of semen after a wet dream. I have led salah a few times. Is the salah valid of those who prayed behind me? What should I do about this?


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

Assalam’aleykum, I pray this finds you in the best of states.

Jazakum Allah khayr for your question!

You should repeat those prayers yourself, and you should try to inform to the best of your ability the believers who prayed behind you that they need to repeat those prayers, even if it would mean to send emails or use the phone. [Maraqi Al-Falah]

When our master  Ali (Allah be pleased with him) realized that he had led the prayer while in a state of ritual impurity he repeated the prayer and ordered the followers to repeat it. [Daraqutni]

And Allah knows best.

I hope that the above answers your question. If something is unclear please do not hesitate to ask again.

May  Allah Most High grant you the best of this world and the next. Please keep us in your du’as!


[Ustadh] Sufyan Qufi

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani