Syria is Free: The Importance of Building Communities on the Prophetic Model – Shaykh Khalid al-Kharsa
This is the second in a series of articles based on the Seminar Syria is Free, which looked at the hopes regarding the future of Syria from leading scholars.
Allah (Most High) said, “Truth has come, and falsehood has vanished; indeed, falsehood is ever vanishing.” This verse underscores the victory of truth over falsehood—a reality embodied by the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).
Building on Truth, Brotherhood, and Sincerity
Allah nurtured the companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) on the values of truthfulness, sincerity, discretion, and brotherhood. These qualities formed the foundation of their community and are crucial for ensuring a strong and sustainable future for any society. Brotherhood was emphasized as one of the pillars of this prophetic framework.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), upon arriving in Madina, prioritized the construction of a mosque. This mosque was not just a place of worship but also served as a madrasa (school) and a university. It became a hub of spiritual and social connection, uniting individuals in their devotion to Allah and their commitment to society.
Interestingly, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) built this mosque even before constructing his own home. This decision carries a profound lesson about prioritizing the communal over the personal. The mosque symbolized a foundation for collective growth, worship, and education.
Innovative Methods of Building Communities
One example of the Prophet’s (Allah bless him and give him peace) ingenuity in building society was his approach to prisoners of war. They were given two choices: gain their freedom either by paying a ransom or by teaching the companions. This initiative highlights the importance of education as a tool for societal progress.
Today, this Prophetic Sunnah must be revived. Rebuilding a nation or community requires both material resources and the dissemination of knowledge. To achieve this, two essential components must be strengthened:
- Economic Stability: A robust economy is critical for societal rebuilding. Sincere businessmen and traders are encouraged to contribute toward this cause.
- Knowledge and Literacy: General literacy and religious education must be revived. Worldly knowledge equips individuals for progress, while religious knowledge ensures that society remains rooted in moral and spiritual values.
The Quran as a Guide for Action
The Quran is not merely a book to be recited; it is a guide to be lived. True knowledge leads to righteous action, which is then complemented by heartfelt supplication. This sequence—knowledge, action, and supplication—was beautifully illustrated by the example of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He and his son built the Ka’ba, followed by their prayer: “O our Lord! Accept this from us.” This Prophetic approach to building is a timeless model for establishing lasting foundations.
Reviving the Prophetic Way
To secure a better future, we must reconnect with Islam by nurturing our relationship with the Quran, cultivating love for the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), and striving to embody his teachings in our daily lives.
The true life of a community is found when the example of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is alive within it. By embodying the Prophetic way, we become spiritually alive, and on the Day of Resurrection, we will be raised under the banner of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace).
May Allah guide us to live by these values and enable us to revive the Prophetic model of community building in our lives. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.