Three Different Role Models

Understanding the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah: Al-Quddus

Al-Quddus means holy, transcendent above everything.  As such, Allah (Exalted be He) is transcendent.  He is beyond our sight and our hearing, beyond space and time, and beyond any imperfection whatsoever. This is in stark contrast to what we find in this world.  Imam ibn ‘Ata ilah mentions in his Aphorisms that the imperfections of this world exist so that we turn towards Allah who is free from any imperfections.  Our responsibility as servants of Allah is to turn away from this imperfect world and direct ourselves towards Allah. Upon doing this, we will find our own selves becoming purified of the imperfections of this world and the infinite void of our hearts will become filled with the Perfect Infinite.

Allah is above being perceived by sight and hearing and these are things that we share with base existent things such as donkeys.  Rather, our noblest feature is the heart and this is what Allah gave us to know Him.  Imam Muslim relates that the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, saw Allah on occasion with his heart.  The reason why many of us fail to know Allah through our hearts is because we sin and such sinning causes one’s inner sight to weaken. Instead, we make the error of using our ignoble features, the ones we share with base creatures such as donkeys, more and more.

So if you seek Allah and the Last Day, purify your heart so that it becomes devoid of imperfections which will enable it to transcend and witness One who is transcendent above all imperfections.

Allah’s Impoverished Servant,
-Ibraheem Shakfeh