Syria is Free: A Rejoicing and A Prayer – Shaykh Anas al-Musa

This is the fourth and final in a series of articles based on the Seminar Syria is Free, which looked at the hopes regarding the future of Syria from leading scholars. 

Rejoicing in the Triumph of Truth

Praise be to Allah (Most High), by whose grace all righteous deeds are completed.” Say, “By the grace of Allah and His mercy, let them rejoice, for it is better than all that they accumulate.” 

This joy was not felt only by the people of Sham (the Levant). Every Muslim who says, La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah shared in the joy of the people of Sham. This beauty was not welcomed only by the people of Sham, but by every believer whose heart holds faith. They were moved by the miracle of what happened. It brought joy to the hearts of the people of Sham, who yesterday thought that they were alone, sitting with that butcher day and night, abandoned by everyone. But they were surprised when they saw the entire Muslim world rejoice, realizing they were not alone. They had their brothers and sisters with them. For the umma is one, despite its diverse languages and dialects. 

Before this moment, the people of Sham may have believed they were living under the crushing weight of this oppression. But after this liberation, it became clear that love for them comes from the entire Umma. We are truly one in heart and spirit. Even the non-Muslim and those deceased in their graves share in this joy. I dare say that even those in their graves rejoice, just as the living faithful and oppressed do.

People, when it comes to truth and falsehood, are divided into three categories:

  1. Those who stand with the truth no matter what happens.
  2. Those who applaud falsehood.
  3. The “grey zone” — those who remain neutral, standing neither with the truth nor against falsehood.

Who was joyful during these days? Who was amazed during these days? Those who stood with the truth. The grey-zone people would say, in the words of the people of Sham, “May Allah extinguish this light.” 

When Allah honored us with this relief and victory, every atom of our being began to thank Him, the Almighty. Some people thanked Allah by prostrating in gratitude. Others raised their hands, saying, “O Lord, complete Your blessings upon us.” Some cried out of joy for this relief and victory. But I want to ask those who applauded falsehood and stood by its side: how much regret and shame must they feel?

That is why it was said: people who uphold the truth will be truly honored, while those who celebrate falsehood will live in disappointment. Some sought joy through steadfastness, while others could not endure and fell into doubt. Reflect on the state of those who were void of honor, value, or meaning. Allah, the Exalted, has promised, “It is incumbent upon Us to grant victory to the believers. They will surely be victorious. Indeed, Our soldiers will be the ones who prevail.” Allah has promised victory and will not break His promise, no matter what happens. The destruction of the entire world would be easier for Allah than breaking a promise He made to Himself.

It is not permissible to compromise on truth. The people of Medina said to those who compromised, “Who will uphold the truth if you do not?” They responded, “If you cannot stand for the truth, the least you can do is not align yourself with falsehood.”

Someone entrenched in falsehood might believe they are on the side of truth. If you fail to tell them they are wrong, it is as though you validate their claims. We must work to raise awareness, guide people, and invite them toward the truth. Now, as they say, the ball is in our court. Yesterday, we used to say the oppressor does not allow us to breathe.

The oppressor acted with tyranny, imprisoning those who called others to Allah, and so on. Now, all of that is gone. Show your resolve, O callers to Allah, and demonstrate how you will spread the message of Allah, now that the road before you has been cleared.

Move forward with the blessing of Allah, and we ask Allah to accept from us and from you.

A Prayer for Syria

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and the best prayers and the most complete peace upon our Master Muhammad, the Truthful and Trustworthy, and upon his family and companions, all of them.

Praise be to Allah, by whose grace all righteous deeds are completed. O our Lord, to You belongs praise, as it befits the majesty of Your Face and the greatness of Your Sovereignty. Glory be to You, glory be to You! We cannot praise You enough; You are as You have praised Yourself.

O Allah, O Lord, as You have bestowed upon us, complete Your blessings upon us.

O Lord, You are the One who promised us victory, and You are the One who granted it. O Lord of the Worlds, we ask You, as You replaced our fear with security and our oppression with justice, to complete our joy with the victory of Islam and the honor of the Muslims, O Most Generous of the Generous and O Lord of the Worlds, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, as You have united us upon what pleases You, distance us from Your disobedience.

Make us, O Allah, brothers who love one another for Your sake. O Lord, You are the One who said, “He feeds them against hunger and grants them security against fear.” You have granted us security from fear, O Lord. We ask You to bless the people of Sham with provision and to feed them from their hunger. O Allah, feed the people of Sham and grant them provision.

O Allah, as You brought joy to the Muslims across the east and the west with the victory of Islam, the honor of the Muslims, the end of falsehood, and the establishment of truth, we ask You to let truth prevail and falsehood perish in every corner of the earth.

O Allah, we ask You not to leave a single oppressed person except that You grant them victory, nor a single oppressor except that You break them and humiliate them. O Allah, as You brought joy to the hearts of the people of Sham with relief after hardship, we ask You, O Lord, to bring joy to the hearts of all our brothers and sisters across the east and the west, who suffer under oppression and tyranny.

O Most Generous of the Generous, O Lord of the Worlds, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, we ask You to establish for this nation (the Muslim Umma) guidance that honors the people of obedience, humiliates the people of disobedience, and ensures that You alone are worshiped on this earth, for there is no god but You.

O Allah, complete Your blessings upon us, and prepare for them those who will defend, preserve, and safeguard them.

O Allah, victory comes from You and by Your permission. So, we ask You, O Lord, to grant victory and relief to Islam and the Muslims.

O Allah, just as You granted relief to the people of Sham after hardship and distress, we ask You, O Lord, to grant relief to the oppressed across the east and the west.

O Most Merciful of the Merciful, O Allah, there are among us hungry, naked, and barefoot brothers and sisters.

We ask You, O Lord, to feed the hungry among them, clothe the naked among them, and carry the barefoot among them. O Lord of all worlds, O Lord of all lords, this is our prayer, and with You is the answer. This is our effort, and upon You is our reliance.

O Most Merciful of the Merciful, O Allah, our joy is incomplete while our brothers and sisters weep.

Our joy is incomplete while our brothers and sisters suffer. We ask You, O Lord, just as You relieved the people of Sham, to relieve the oppressed across the east and the west.

O Most Generous of the Generous, O Allah, unite us upon what pleases You and distance us from Your disobedience.

Make us, O Allah, brothers who love one another for Your sake. O Allah, accept from the righteous among us, guide the corrupt among us, and forgive us all in Your vast mercy, O Most Generous of the Generous. Answer our prayers, O Our Lord, for You are the All-Hearing and All-Knowing.