Shafi'i Fiqh

September 18, 2023 2 mins

Can I Marry Someone Who Hasn’t Been Divorced Yet?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m getting to know a divorced man and am inclined to marry him. However, I just recently discovered that although he is divorced Islamically, his divorce has not been finalized secularly. Should I continue to interact with him even though he is still technically married? I am uncomfortable doing […]
September 17, 2023 2 mins

Is Quick Succession Required for Washing Limbs in Ablution?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I was performing ablution (wudu) in the bathroom when the water ran out. So, I went to the kitchen, approximately 20 meters away in a straight line, to fill a jug with water and resume my ablution. After returning to the bathroom, I continued with the ablution but realized that […]
September 16, 2023 2 mins

Does Inhaling Steam Break My Fast?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question 1) If someone was pouring out water from hot rice and steam was coming out, and then one took a deep inhale, (but not fully aware and forgot that one was fasting for a second-cooking as routinely as one does)- does this break the fast?  2) What if one […]
September 13, 2023 3 mins

Is it Permissible to Sell Revealing Clothing?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I sell men’s and women’s clothing. I offer men’s jeans, shorts, and T-shirts with various designs (including photos). Additionally, I provide women’s jeans, shorts, tops, leggings, blouses, crop tops, and bodysuits. Shaykh, I would like to inquire if this type of business is permissible in Islam. While most of my […]