Shafi'i Fiqh

September 10, 2023 2 mins

What Constitutes the Type of Jewellery-Wearing, that Obviates the Need to Pay Za...

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question According to the Shafi‘i School, Zakat does not have to be paid for worn jewelry. Is this the official position of the School? If so, how long must one wear it for this ruling to apply? Someone told me that even just wearing it briefly would suffice. Answer In the […]
September 10, 2023 3 mins

What Should I Do About Dog Contamination in a Washing Machine?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I am a Hanafi, but I wish to follow the Shafi‘i School. However, my parents do not adhere to a specific School, though they fulfil basic Islamic practices such as prayer and fasting. My parents do not purify their clothes according to the Shafi‘i rules. They put their soiled clothes […]
September 9, 2023 2 mins

How Should I Clean Filth?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question My dress became stained with (filth) najas. I only had a bucket of water and a cup to clean the dress. I placed the cup in the water, scooped some water, and poured it onto the stained area. Then, I used my hand to scrub the area and remove the […]
September 9, 2023 2 mins

Are My Debit Card Transactions Lawful If I Forgot About The Bank Charges?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question My bank takes a percentage of the price of goods bought with a debit card as a fee for certain types of transactions. I’ve agreed to this previously, obviously. I understand that every such transaction would be an open offer from the bank for the user to accept each time. […]