

August 10, 2023 2 mins

Is It Permissible to Buy and Sell Gold Watches Made for Men?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question Would it be permissible to buy and sell luxury watches, particularly gold ones, meant for men without the intention to wear them? Mainly, would it be sinful to sell a gold watch to a non-Muslim man? Does the ruling change if the watch is gold-plated as opposed to solid […]
August 10, 2023 3 mins

How Does Incest Impact One’s Marriage in the Shafi’i School?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I have a very serious question and would appreciate your guidance. The matter pertains to the following inquiries: According to the Hanafi School, incest invalidates a nikah. In the Shafi‘i School, does incest nullify a nikah, or can true repentance suffice for an individual to maintain the validity of their […]
August 8, 2023 4 mins

What Should I Do after Catching My Newlywed Husband Chatting on a Dating App?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am a 26-year-old Muslim woman who has been married for two months. It was hard in the first month of living together because of leaving my mom’s house. I have been very depressed, and I sometimes neglected my husband because of frustration and anger. Now, I discovered that, […]
August 8, 2023 1 min

Did Imam Ghazali Write Works on Black Magic?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question I am writing this question because I am confused about Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazali and some claims about him. Did he, rahimahullah, write a book called “Al-Tibb al-Ruhani li al-Jism al-Insani” that contains “magical squares”? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate. I hope you’re […]