Prayer (Shafii)

October 16, 2022 2 mins

May I Follow the View to Pray Qunut in Witr throughout the Year?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question If someone is following the sub-dominant opinion within Shafi‘i madhab of making Qunut in Witr throughout the year, then will it still be recommended for him to make Qunut in Fajr daily? Can one make Qunut in Witr as well as in Fajr on daily basis? Answer In the Name […]
October 15, 2022 2 mins

How Can a Secret Revert Pray during Her School Trip?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question There is a newly reverted sister who will be going on a trip soon with a group of non-Muslim classmates and is unaware that she will be sharing a room with them 24/7. When not out, she won’t have any privacy to pray, how does she pray? No one […]
October 9, 2022 2 mins

When Should I Start Praying If I See Brown and Yellow Discharge during My Purity...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I know you should not pray until you are convinced that your period has ended. This can be tested by checking for the signs of purity like clear or white discharge or total dryness. I usually have clear or white discharge daily, but due to my heavy menses, the […]
October 9, 2022 2 mins

Can I Recite a Different Dua of Istiftah before the Fatiha in My Prayer?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I found out that there are more supplications to be recited before reading Sura Fatiha in prayer, and I know it is a specific dua according to the Shafi’i school. Can I read another one besides the dua “Allahu akbaru Kabira”? Answer Thank you for your question. May Allah […]