Prayer (Shafii)

June 2, 2022 4 mins

How Do You Deal with Waswasa and OCD in Purification and Prayer Acts?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am a revert following the Shafi’i school who suffers from OCD and waswasa, especially in najasat and prayer issues. I perform istinja with 2 mugs and still felt unclean. This happens sometimes so I just ignore it and pray. But just for my ease of mind, after praying, […]
May 28, 2022 1 min

When Does the Time for Isha End?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I know that Isha cannot be prayed after midnight. Does that mean midnight sharp? Can we delay one or two minutes after midnight, or will it be a make up? Answer Thank you for your question. Until True dawn The time for the nightfall prayer (‘isha) begins when the […]
May 13, 2022 2 mins

Can I Pray the Remaining Twelve Units of Tarawih Prayer at Home?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question There is a Masjid in my area where only eight units of Tarawih are held every Ramadan. Can I pray eight units with them, leave the Witr prayer in the congregation, and perform the remaining twelve units of Tarawih and Witr prayers alone at home? Answer In the Name […]
May 11, 2022 3 mins

Can One Pray Sitting Because of Living with One’s Islamophobic Family?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question My revert friend only gets a few minutes time window during dhuhr when she is alone, so along with it, she offers qada (make-ups) of all other prayers. Will she be held responsible for missing salah at their right time due to family threats and being impossible for her […]