Shafi'i Fiqh

January 22, 2023 2 mins

I Vowed to Pray the Sunna Prayers. What Should I Do?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question When I was younger, I did something horrible. I said, “oh Allah, if you make my mother pleased with me again (I promise?), I will pray all the Sunnas”. I had reached puberty but knew little about Islam or vows, and I didn’t even know the difference between emphasized and […]
January 22, 2023 2 mins

Do I Owe an Expiation for Uncontrollably Breaking My Vow?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question A while ago, I vowed to fast from Monday to Thursday if I did not finish studying a particular subject by midnight. I did not finish studying said subject, so I had to fulfill the vow. However, I couldn’t because my period came in before that following Monday, so when […]
January 20, 2023 3 mins

Is a Nikah via Video Call or Telecommunications Valid?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I got married last year. Unfortunately, for a short time, then I divorced her. Now I’m going to marry again, alhamdulillah, but I want to know if my previous nikah was valid in the first place. We live in different countries, and so does her wali. He was on […]
January 20, 2023 2 mins

Is It Disliked to Eat Fish with Meat?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I have heard that in the Shafi’i School, it is considered disliked to eat animals that live in the water together with animals that live on the land—for example, eating shrimp with chicken. Is this true, and do eggs also fall under the category of animals that live on the […]