Shafi'i Fiqh

October 16, 2022 2 mins

May I Follow the View to Pray Qunut in Witr throughout the Year?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question If someone is following the sub-dominant opinion within Shafi‘i madhab of making Qunut in Witr throughout the year, then will it still be recommended for him to make Qunut in Fajr daily? Can one make Qunut in Witr as well as in Fajr on daily basis? Answer In the Name […]
October 16, 2022 3 mins

How Was the Prohibition on Touching the Quran (Even Translation) without Wudu De...

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question Based on this answer it says (regarding the Hanafi school), “The stronger and more precautionary position is that it is obligatory to be in a state of ritual purity to touch even a translation of the Quran.” How was this ruling derived? Especially since a translation, such as an […]
October 15, 2022 3 mins

Is It Valid to Clean My Private Parts by Wiping with Dry Tissue and Then Wet Tis...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Is my istinja (washing after relieving oneself) valid if I wipe three times or more with toilet paper, and then used wet toilet paper? Can I use wetted tissue with water or do I have to pour water after the wiping? Answer Thank you for your question. It says […]
October 15, 2022 2 mins

How Can a Secret Revert Pray during Her School Trip?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question There is a newly reverted sister who will be going on a trip soon with a group of non-Muslim classmates and is unaware that she will be sharing a room with them 24/7. When not out, she won’t have any privacy to pray, how does she pray? No one […]