Shafi'i Fiqh

August 17, 2023 3 mins

Is It Permissible To Stand Up and Greet My Non-Muslim Boss at Work?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I work in a company, and as workers, we have to greet and stand up for our senior officers. One of my friends told me that it is prohibited for Muslims to stand up for non-Muslims out of respect. Does this claim have any basis in Shariah? Thank you […]
August 17, 2023 3 mins

My Family Eats Non-Halal Meat. What Should I Do?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I was born in a Muslim household, but recently, I’ve realised that my Muslim parents only buy non-zabiha meat. Even though I have gone to them about it, they don’t care and say that they can even eat pork when there is no option. Still, I know there are […]
August 13, 2023 3 mins

Did I Sin by Passing a Person Praying Without a Barrier?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I am perturbed whether I sinned by walking in front of someone praying. At work, I was using the prayer room, and whilst praying, two others joined behind me, but each was praying alone and not in congregation. I had finished, but the person behind me was still praying but […]
August 13, 2023 3 mins

How Should I Clean the Food Stains from Unlawful Food?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I ate food prepared in a shop with pork. I know there is an impurity transfer to the food I ate. While eating this burger, I got oil from the burger on my phone and clothes. I purified my phone and changed my clothes. While cleaning my phone with a […]