Shafi'i Fiqh

July 8, 2023 4 mins

Can a Loan Be Taken to Build a Masjid?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question We are trying to buy a building for our community. We must pay a deposit and show £2m in the bank. We have raised £500000. We are struggling to raise the funds. We have been praying in a church hall for over 20 years. We need a sponsor or to […]
July 8, 2023 3 mins

Is It a Vow to State That Something Would Be Obligatory on Me If I Committed a S...

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question If someone says, “Every time I do this certain sin, it will be wajib (obligatory) for me to fast a day,” without mentioning Allah or intending for it to be a vow. It was only a promise to oneself, but this person used the word “wajib” because it’s a common […]
July 7, 2023 1 min

Can I Marry the Daughter of a Banker?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I want to marry a girl whose father is a banker, the bank deals with interest. I am ready to avoid any gift or food bought by her father’s income. The girl also accepted my decision. Is it haram to marry such a girl? Answer It is not haram […]
July 6, 2023 4 mins

Can I Use Interest Money to Pay Taxes?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question  Is it permissible to use the interest money accrued in my bank account (however minor) as compensation for the unfair taxation by the Country Revenue Authority? Where I live, the tax rates are incredibly high, and we do not get any benefits from the same. Please advise. Answer In […]