
Good Character

August 8, 2024 5 mins

What is True Etiquette?

One’s etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong relationships with others. This article is the thirty-third in a series from the On Demand Course: Discussion on Sulami’s Adab of Keeping Company. Someone asked al-Hasan al-Basri, “What is the most beneficial of proper manners?” He gave a few components to the response. […]
August 1, 2024 3 mins

Inward and Outward Manners

One’s etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong relationships with others. This article is the thirty-second in a series taken from the On Demand Course: Discussion on Sulami’s Adab of Keeping Company. Inward manners are manners with Allah. You have one governing concern: What will be pleasing to Allah?   The outward […]
July 25, 2024 4 mins

Keep Relationships Alive

One’s etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong relationships with others. This article is the thirty-first in a series taken from the On Demand Course: Discussion on Sulami’s Adab of Keeping Company. Keep relationships alive. This presupposes that you have regular contact with the people who are in your circle of […]
July 18, 2024 6 mins

Sincere Counsel

One’s etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong relationships with others. This article is the thirtieth in a series taken from the On Demand Course: Discussion on Sulami’s Adab of Keeping Company. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) told us, “Religion is sincere counsel.” Advice is a means […]