
Spiritual Activism with Riad Saloojee

April 4, 2018 4 mins

Spiritual Activism: The Activist as Vicegerent

You were created to be the viceregent of Allah in this realm. Your success in this realm and the realm to come rests on the degree to which you realize this, says Shaykh Riad Saloojee. In a very august assembly, in the presence of beings created from pure light, Allah announced that He was going […]
March 28, 2018 4 mins

Spiritual Activism: The Ethics of Virtue

Surrendering to the Divine is what makes true freedom possible. It is freedom from the material and created that is found in nearness to Allah, says Shaykh Riad Saloojee. The hallmark of the purification of the lower-self (nafs) is the freedom that the heart (qalb) will enjoy from all material and abstract created things, as […]
March 14, 2018 3 mins

Spiritual Activism: Runaway Rationality

The intellect can be blinded by the passions. Only a cool and collected heart keeps the passions in check and commands the intellect to good, says Shaykh Riad Saloojee. I am not a disembodied intellect (‘aql). My intellect (‘aql) functions within the Divinely-crafted, holistic system composed of my heart (qalb), lower-self (nafs) and senses (jawarih). […]
March 7, 2018 4 mins

Spiritual Activism: Identifying My Politics

To identify your politics, you must first discern the reality of your desires and impulses, aims and actions. For if your essence is a function of these things, then the underlying reality or nature of your self must be known, says Shaykh Riad Saloojee. Who I am in essence is really a function of my […]