Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

November 9, 2021 2 mins

Is It True That My Husband Has the Right To Shout at Me and Call Me Stupid?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: My husband says that it’s in his right to shout at me and that I don’t have the right to. He says that he is allowed to call me stupid and that I am not allowed to. Is it true that the husband can treat his wife like that, […]
November 6, 2021 1 min

Is It Permissible To Use a Nickname That Shortens My Given Name?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I’ve noticed that people tend to shorten my name Haajira to Haaj. I don’t find this completely comfortable because I wasn’t sure whether that is acceptable in Islam. Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. It is permissible for people to call you by a loving nickname such […]
November 6, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Deal With Anxiety When It Causes Me To Make Bad Decisions?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: When something gives me anxiety, I avoid it. Mainly when I fall behind in a class, I completely give up on it even though that doesn’t benefit me. And I have failed so many courses again and again because of this, and I stress my parents out. I feel […]
November 6, 2021 2 mins

Is It Selfish of Me To Move Out as a Single Girl Just so I Can Stop Arguing With...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question:  I am an unmarried (desi) young woman who has a hard time getting along with her single mother. We run into disagreements regularly, though I wouldn’t call her toxic. I think I should move out, so we have a healthy distance; the small issues wouldn’t become disagreements so often. […]
November 6, 2021 3 mins

How Does the Qur’an Tell Women To Cover and What Does Jilbab Mean?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: Please don’t send me an old answer but reply personally to this if possible. Would you please explain to me how the evidence points to the obligation of covering, especially in Surah Al Ahzab verse 59? What does jilbab mean? How do we know it means just to cover […]
November 5, 2021 3 mins

Should I Marry a Man Who Is Ready To Convert but Still Eats Haram Food?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I want to marry a boy who is ready to convert to Islam and practice more or less. But he says that when he visits his parents, he will eat whatever they have cooked, halal or not. His parents don’t buy halal meat, but he seems to be okay […]
November 5, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Deal With the Loss of My Best Friend Because He Wants To Interact Withi...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I have been friends with a boy for a long time, and we used to talk every day. However, one day, he told me he can’t speak to me regularly and that we need to speak like friends. I am extremely hurt as he did tell me he wants […]
November 5, 2021 4 mins

How Can I Come to an Agreement With My Husband on How Many Children To Have?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question:  I have two beautiful, healthy children, alhamdulillah, ages 6 and 4. My husband is pressuring me to have a third child. Going through the baby stage was the hardest time of my life. I had major postpartum depression and anxiety, and the experience was super overwhelming for me. As […]
November 1, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Rekindle My Marriage After He Secretly Married Another?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: My husband does not show me love, closeness, or respect. He pays the bills, but I feel very lonely. I’ve begged him to come near me, but he says no. We have two small children, but for the last two years, since he married another woman secretly over the […]
November 1, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Continue Living With My Non-Practicing Family When They Make My OCD Wor...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question If a person has been studying part-time Islamic studies for about four years and his family doesn’t regularly study Islam, and he feels that they have a negative impact on his OCD. This person doesn’t have physical contact with his teachers as he studies online; what should he do […]
November 1, 2021 2 mins

Can a Woman Be in a Mixed Social Gathering With Work Colleagues?

Answered by Ustadha  Shazia Ahmad Question: I read in some places that it is forbidden to have mixed gatherings, and in other places that it is not prohibited as long as there is no khalwa, proper hijab is observed, and there is no inappropriate talk. As a woman, is having lunch with male colleagues at […]
November 1, 2021 2 mins

Can You Clarify How Loose a Woman’s Clothing Must Be?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: Please answer my question with examples; I’ve read many answers but still can’t understand the looseness criteria. How loose (minimum) should a woman’s clothing be? What does outline of the body mean? How tight is too tight? How about trousers and thighs? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your […]
November 1, 2021 4 mins

How Can I Stop Overeating and Regain the Will To Live?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question: I am constantly thinking of food. After I am done with my meals, I don’t feel satisfied, and I have been consistently overeating. I also feel empty and useless sometimes. My thoughts have become highly harmful, and I feel overpowered by them. I am only eating and sleeping and […]
November 1, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Get To Know a Young Lady for Marriage When Gender Interaction Rules Ar...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I’m a young man interested in marriage, and I understood that interactions with women are only allowed for necessity, and no socializing can take place. If my family doesn’t find prospects, how am I to meet potential spouses, and how can I determine if a person is suitable for […]
November 1, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Regain My Confidence After My Brothers Married Such Beautiful Women?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I have very beautiful sisters-in-law, and whenever we are in a family gathering, all the attention goes to them. They are very glamorous and stylish. My confidence level goes down every time. Before they were in our family, I used to feel confident, but now all the attention goes […]
October 31, 2021 4 mins

How Can I Change When I Have Chosen Fornication Over Marriage Because of My Erec...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I have erectile dysfunction, depression, and anxiety. I can’t get married as it’s too big of a responsibility. As soon as I got a bit better, I went and committed zina (fornication), and now I’ve stopped praying. I can’t bring myself to pray because I will probably fornicate again […]
October 31, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Register for Islamic Programs When My Parents Always Prevent Me?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question: My parents are not very practicing Muslims; however, when I try to commit to an Islamic program or the like, they restrict me, saying my studies will be disrupted or I’m being ‘too extreme.’ I want to do this not only for the sake of learning but also to […]
October 31, 2021 2 mins

What’s the Difference Between Sadaqa and Zakat?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question: What’s the Difference Between Sadaqa and Zakat? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your important question. Zakat (Muhammad Shirbini Khatib:) Lexically, zakat means growth, blessings, an increase in good, purification, or praise. In the Sacred Law, it is the name for a particular amount of property that must be […]
October 31, 2021 3 mins

What Do I Do After Having an Unintentional Sexual Encounter in My Sleep?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad    Question: I am staying alone with my aunt as my parents have been gone on a trip for a week. She is about 40, and I am 15 years old. I am attracted to her sexually. She is scared of sleeping alone, so she insists that I sleep with […]
October 31, 2021 2 mins

Must I Obey My Husband in His Request That I Read Certain Books in Order?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad   Must I Obey My Husband in His Request That I Read Certain Books in Order? Question: Am I allowed to read books like The Ideal Muslimah? Or other Islamic books that I find interest in? Every time I ask my husband, he suggests that I read The Beginning of […]
October 30, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Confirm That All Traces of Filth Are Gone After Istinja?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I read on one of this site’s answers that istinja’ is complete when no trace of najis remains. But how should I find out whether traces (I assume it is smell, color, and taste) remain? It is hard to look at the area and smell it.  For taste, does […]
October 26, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Repent for Sexually Abusing My Younger Sibling?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad   Question When I was 12, I was sexually abused, and then I sexually abused my younger brother. Will I ever be forgiven for my sin? What can I do to fix this and never return to this sin again? I’m seriously scared that I may never be able to […]
October 26, 2021 1 min

Can a Muslim Woman Go to a Salon To Get a Bikini Wax?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad   Question I wanted to know if a woman can go to a female salon to get her bikini area waxed. Waxing does a better job of removing hair and it is too hard to self wax in that area. Also, the salon workers do not talk about their clients. […]
October 22, 2021 2 mins

Is It Sinful To Obey My Father Who Tells Me To Block My Grandmother?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad   Question My father and his mother have always had a rocky relationship. They are always getting offended by each other and not talking to each other for days at a time. It’s worse now that they are both older.  Recently, my father told me to block her so I […]