Tag Archive for: ask for forgiveness

Should I Seek Forgiveness from a Girl That I Left for My Parents?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I was in a haram…

Stages of Life and Death

This article is from the On Demand Course: Preparing for the…

Supplication for Forgiveness of Sins and Shortcomings: Quranic Supplications 22

During Ramadan 2023, Sheikh Faraz Rabbani gave a series of daily…

What Should I Do after Girls Discovered That I Was Making Fake Accounts with Their Pictures?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I made fake accounts…

Supplication for Allah’s Generosity and Blessings: Quranic Supllications 18

During Ramadan 2023, Sheikh Faraz Rabbani gave a series of daily…

Supplication for Forgiveness and Protection from Hellfire: Quranic Supplications 17

During Ramadan 2023, Sheikh Faraz Rabbani gave a series of daily…

Will Allah Forgive Me despite My Cycle of Sin and Repentance?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m a young teenage…

I Regret Lying Through A Fake Account. What Do I Do?

Question: Assalamu 'alaykum. I made a fake account, lied,…