Tag Archive for: focus

How Do I Pray Like Allah Is Seeing Me or I Am Seeing Allah?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question How do I pray like…

What Kind of Extraneous Motion Invalidates the Prayer?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Does swallowing saliva…
What a Second-Degree Burn Taught Me About Focus

What a Second-Degree Burn Taught Me About Focus, by Chloe Idris

Chloe Idris writes about losing focus and the searing pain of…
Should I Repeat Past Prayers in Wich I Made Pronunciation Errors?

How Can I Focus in Worship? [Video]

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Assalamu alaykum How…

Listen Attentively The Way The Prophet Did (30 Deeds, 30 Days), by Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Listen Attentively The Way The Prophet Did, by Shaykh Walead…
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani on "Over-Praising" the Prophet

How To Attain Focus, Patience And Stillness In A Chaotic World

"The scholars sacrifice immediate benefit for long-term benefit,"…
Adab of Du'a 25

Beautiful advice on focusing on your prayer, from Imam Siraj Wahhaj

Imam Siraj Wahhaj relates a beautiful hadith of the Prophet…