Tag Archive for: love

The Blessings of Suhur

Blessings of Allah: Khutba – Shaykh Faid Mohammad Said

Shaykh Said Mohammad Said gave this Khutba on 4 May 2018 at the…
Content of Character 04

Consideration: Content of Character 04 – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus reflects on the act of consideration, of…
Finding Allah Through Fasting

Finding Allah Through Fasting – Dr Umar Faruq Abd Allah

Dr Umar Faruq Abd-Allah reminds us of the ultimate purpose of…
Rays of the Soul

Rays of the Soul – Habib Abd al Qadir al Saqqaf

Habib Abd al Qadir al Saqqaf, may Allah have mercy on him and…
Turning Back to Allah

Turning Back to Allah – Ustadh Abdullah Misra

Ustadh Abdullah mentions that throughout the year we can get…
Ustadha Zaynab Ansari

Seeking Allah Through Service – Ustadha Zaynab Ansari

Ustadha Zaynab Ansari discusses how we can seek Allah through…

Becoming Beloved to Allah – Habib Kadhim al Saqqaf

Habib Kadhim al Saqqaf counsels us on how we can become beloved…

Fasting Has Abrahamic Roots – Ustadh Ali Ataie

Ustadh Ali Ataie gives a short history of fasting in Judaism…
Invalid Fast

A Description of the Prophet’s Fast – Ustadh Abdullah Misra

Ustadh Abdullah Misra describes the fast of the Prophet, Allah…
Heart for Allah

Make Room in Your Heart for Allah – Shaykh Rami Nsour

Shaykh Rami Nsour gives advice on how you can draw closer to…