Tag Archive for: masjid

When Is It Sinful to Walk in Front of Someone Who Is Praying?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question What are the conditions,…

The Adhan: Why We Are Missing Out On Great Benefits, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ made a tremendous promise to those who…
Zackary King in conversation

On Mosques, Companionship, & Knowledge: Zackary King in conversation

When Zackary King decided to become Muslim after three long years…
Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Side Entrance: Why Mosques Are Still Getting It Wrong, by Mona Rahman

Mona Rahman on the consequences of entering mosques through…

What To Do After Hearing The Adhan – The Prophet’s ﷺ Promise

The Prophet ﷺ made a tremendous promise to those who respond…
How Can Muslims Become More Effective Community Members

Sunnahs for a Healthy Community

Is your community torn apart by petty jealousies, conflicts and…

Open Our Hearts, Before We Open Our Mosques

As mosques around the United Kingdom open their doors for a national…

The Masjid and Its Etiquettes

Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar offers a detailed explanation of the…

Feeling unmosqued, demosqued and no-thank-you-mosqued?

Are you a Muslim woman who feels unmosqued, demosqued and…

Can I Own a Mosque?

Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas Question: I have a question…