Tag Archive for: permission

Is Investing In Bitcoin Permissible or Not?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question Is investing in…

Can A Husband Check His Wife’s Phone and Ask to Whom She Is Speaking?

Answered by Ustahda Shazia Ahmad Question Does a husband…

Recording a Scholar Without Permission

Question: In the past, I have sat in semi-private and private…

Translation as an infringement upon copyright laws

Question: Is a translation made with the permission of the author…

Can I Get Married Without Parental Permission?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Assalamu alaykum Can…
Living Green Series

Picking Fruits From Trees on Private Property

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: If one passes by…

Using Someone Else’s Internet Connection or Network

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Would it be wrong…