Tag Archive for: prayer

How Do We Understand the Narration “Every Step toward Prayer Is Charity?” – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question How do we understand…

Can I Pray While Having a Prayer Video in the Background to Assist Me? – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question Can I pray while…

What is the Ruling of Isha Living in High Latitude Areas?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question I live in a high latitude…

The Art of Asking God: Three Supplications

This is the seventh in a series of articles on how make dua or…

Is Gradual Change Permissible in Islam?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question Is it permissible to…

Is It Permissible to Pray in Shoes?

Answered by Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Abu Bakr Badhib Question Is…

Can We Leave the Congregation If the Imam Prolongs the Prayer?

Answered By Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Fayez Awad Question If the…

The Art of Asking God: The Complete Supplication

This is the sixth in a series of articles on how make dua or…

How Do I Complete Maghrib If I am Unaware of Salah Being Combined? – Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat How Do I Complete Maghrib…

The Art of Asking God: Our Neediness

This is the fifth in a series of articles on how make dua or…