Tag Archive for: qunut
Can I Send Blessings on the Prophet at the End of the Supplication (Qunut) of the Witr Prayer?
Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Question: As salam alaykum,
What Is the Basis of Reciting the Qunut in the Fajr Prayer According to the Shafi’i School?
Answered by Ustadh Shuaib Ally
Question: Assalam aleykum,
What Can I Recite During the Qunut of Witr If I Don’t Know the Sunna Supplication?
Answered by SeekersGuidance Answers Service
Question: As-Salamu…
What Should I Do if I Forget To Recite the Qunut in the Subh Prayer? [Maliki School]
Answered by Ustadh Tariq Abdul-Rasheed
Question: Asalamu Alaykum…
Reciting the Fajr Qunut Behind the Imam in Shafi’i Fiqh
Answered by Shaykh Arsalan Haque
Question: Assalamu alaikum…
What is the Preferred Method to Recite the Qunut Supplication?
Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas
Question: I have a question…
Forgetting to Recite the Qunut in Witr Prayer
Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Question: Assalamu Alaykum…
Raising the Hands When Going Into Qunut: Understanding Hanafi Legal Methodology
Answered by Sidi Salman Younas
Question: I have read in a…
Supplication During Qunut
Answered by Sidi Salman Younas
Question: Can you give example…