Tag Archive for: ummah

Differences of Opinion in Islam

With Hearts United, We Must Respect Differences of Opinion

One of the blessings of being Muslims is that this religion was…
Inscription Of The Prophet

The Prophet’s ﷺ Reminder to Allah of His Promise

 The Virtues Tour has over the years become a highlight in…
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Is Asking For Intercession By The Prophet ﷺ Permissable?

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf of Zaytuna College was asked if tawwasul,…
Imam Zaid Shakir

"Sunni and Shia Hatred: A Disease We Must Fight"

Sunni and Shia Hatred with Imam Zaid Shakir This SeekersHub…

Mercy Expressed in Active Concern: Remembering the Muslim Umma in One’s Prayers (dua) – Ma`ruf al-Karkhi

Mercy Expressed in Active Concern: Remembering the Muslim Umma…

Collection of Duas for the Oppressed

Collection of Duas for the Oppressed The following are duas…

Interview with One of Egypt’s Neglected Poor

An interview with a poor, elderly Egyptian lady. A thought-provoking…