Tag Archive for: upholding rights

How Do I Deal With Parents Who Take Advantage of Me?
Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
Is it haram…

Uncertain if items in my possession belong to someone else
Uncertain if items in my possession belong to someone else

Why Can’t Women Make Decisions for Themselves Instead of Going From Obeying Fathers to Obeying Husbands?
Question: Why is it that women in Islam are never allowed…

Was It Disrespectful To Ask My Absent Father Why He Looks for Us?
Question: One parent has tried hard to raise us, but the other…

How can I seek a divorce?
Dear questioner,
Thank you for your important question.

When Is It Obligatory To Inform Authorities of Someone Cheating in an Exam?
When is it obligatory to inform authorities of…
What Can I Do About My Brother-In-Law Whom I Cannot Tolerate?
Question: I do not get along with my brother-in-law. I have…
What Share of Inheritance Will We Get In This Scenario?
Assalamu 'alaykum. Mr. S. had married Mrs. M. in 1929.…
What Are the Conditions Of a Nikah When Marrying a Christian Woman?
Question: What are the conditions to fulfill a marriage contract…
I am in Love and Want To Make Her My Second Wife
Question: I am in love with a girl of another Muslim ethnicity…