

August 23, 2020 4 mins

The Masters and the Millennials | Part 8: Challenges in Living the Way of the Pr...

This is the eighth part of a series, click here for the previous article. In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate We continue our discussion of the book al-Fawa‘id al-Mukhtarah – selected beneficial anecdotes for the wayfarer – by Habib Zayn bin Sumayt. Our focus in this podcast is on the importance of […]
August 22, 2020 3 mins

Saving Our Souls Series | Part 6: 12 Sins of the Eyes – Shaykh Yusuf Weltc...

Our eyes and our ability to see are from Allah’s greatest blessings upon us. With them, we’re able to see His marvelous creation and reflect over his might, but all blessings need to be used correctly. If Allah blesses you with wealth it is from gratitude that you use that wealth in permissible ways. Likewise, […]
August 20, 2020 2 mins

Muharram: The Islamic Calendar’s January | A Reader

The new Islamic year is almost upon us and although setting New Year’s Resolutions based on the Islamic calendar isn’t a common practice, there are a few things we should do; reflect over the previous year and take a moment to assess our accomplishments, and think about how we can make the next Islamic year […]
August 17, 2020 6 mins

The Masters and the Millennials | Part 7: Importance of Etiquette – Shaykh...

This is the seventh part of a series, click here for the previous article. In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate We will be focusing here on good etiquette (adab). We are in need of good manners because we live in a society where the youth do not respect the elderly, and the […]