
April 21, 2018 6 mins

Cleanliness: Content of Character 02 – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

Purity is central to Islam. Every experience we have is an opportunity to purify ourselves. Every tribulation we go through is an opportunity for us to purify ourselves. The Messenger of God [Allah bless him and give him peace] said: ‘Islam is clean, so cleanse yourselves, for only the cleansed shall enter Paradise.’ (CC:001) There […]
April 20, 2018 5 mins

Hard Work and Mercy – Dr Shadee Elmasry

Yes, Allah has mercy, but you have to get moving too. It’s a question that pops up in the back of our minds all the time: When do we give up and when do we keep fighting? writes Dr Shadee Elmasry. For believers, there’s a potential to really confuse some key concepts related to this. […]
April 20, 2018 2 mins

Heroes and Heroines of Islam: Part Three – Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf

We regularly hear of the great heroes and heroines of Islam. However, we know little about what made these men and women so beloved to Allah and their people. In these series of talks, Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf speaks about these famous men and women. In this segment, Habib Kadhim turns our attention to some of […]
April 19, 2018 5 mins

Adab 01: The Art of Doing Things Right – Introduction

In this new series of articles and podcasts, Ustadh Tabraze Azam discusses the meaning of adab and what it means for a Muslim to do things in the right way. In the Name of Allah Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Zakariyya al Ansari, the great polymath, shaykh al Islam of his time, and teacher and guide […]