Tag Archive for: community

Ya Imam al Rusli

Eternal Creed: Universal Guide For Perplexing Times

Mawlana Hamzah Maqbul’s Eternal Creed Project presents Aqida…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: Runaway Rationality

The intellect can be blinded by the passions. Only a cool and…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 24: The States That Can Change Fate

Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: Identifying My Politics

To identify your politics, you must first discern the reality…
Tam High Student Vigil for Parkland

Imam Zaid Shakir on the Florida Shootings

The following post by Imam Zaid Shakir was first published on…
Sharing Meals

Forgotten Sunnas: Sharing Meals

In this month’s Forgotten Sunnas article, Shaykh Jamir Meah…
Islamic art

Islam and the Spiritual Realm by Sheikh Ahmed Abdo

How much do you know about the spiritual realm? We think we…
Ummah was Built in the Masjid

The Ummah was Built in the Masjid – Remosqued with Shaykh Yasir Fahmy

Following is an excellent podcast from IMANWire. In this podcast…
Muslim Convert

“The Only White Muslim In The Village”

Discovering that a childhood friend was Muslim began David’s…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert: Salat And A Little Bit Of Chocolate And Life Looks A Lot Better

Growing up in the South, Mujahid was introduced to Islam in the…