Tag Archive for: doubts

How Do I Deal with Obsessive Thoughts about Impurity on Household Objects?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question Religion has…

How to Strengthen Faith in Allah and Return to Him? A Reader

“Verily, Allah is more delighted with the repentance of His…

Is it Possible To Dispel Doubts About Islam by Increasing One’s Worship?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Khan Question: For the last two years…

How Do I Strengthen My Faith and Truly Repent?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question:1) How can one…

Struggling With My Faith: In Desperate Need of Guidance

Answered by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari Question: I am a born muslim…

Waswas [Baseless Misgivings] Regarding Apostasy and Purity

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: I suffer from waswas…

Misgivings Regarding Apostasy and How to Deal with Them

Answered by Dr Asim Yusuf Question: Alhamdulillah, I have been…

Misgivings Regarding Intentions and How to Memorize Qur’an

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Im always getting…

Is Someone Who Persists in Committing a Sin Considered a Muslim?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question Is someone who is…

How Do I Encourage My Siblings to Become Muslim?

Answered by Dr. Bano Murtuja Question: I was blessed to accept…