Tag Archive for: fiqh of prayer
Mistake in Determining the Qibla
Question: If one makes a mistake in determining the Qibla, does…
Do I Need to Makeup Prayers Within the Prayer Time if I Did Something Prohibitively Disliked?
Please clarify the correct position regarding prayers…
Can I Join My Prayers If I Work in Customer Service?
I work in customer services. Can I join prayers?
Which Parts of the Prayer Require Sending Blessings on the Prophet?
Question: As salamu alaikum. On which prayers are we supposed…
Are My Prayers Valid if the Intention Was Not Specific?
Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi
I recently have read…
Intending the Wrong Prayer
Question: What is the ruling if I stand for Maghrib prayer…
Urge to Relieve Oneself During Prayer
Question: As salamu alaykum
Once I've relieved myself…
High Likelihood of Breaking Wudu
Question: If one is 99% sure that one has broken wudu, should…
Praying Behind Someone of Another School of Thought (Madhab)
Question: What is the ruling of praying behind someone of another…