Tag Archive for: love

What is True Love?

Talk about Islam with Shaykh Hamza Karamali (Episode 3) – What is True Love?

Dear readers, welcome back to the continuation of our third episode…
In Defence of Prophet Ibrahim from Modern Misconceptions

Dying Upon Love of Allah — the Beautiful Counsel of al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib to His Son

Imam Bayhaqi relates in his Shu’ab al-Iman that when al-Abbas…
Adhering to the National Lockdown

Ramadan: The Doors to Ecstasy – Habib Muhammad al-Saqqaf

Habib Muhammad al Saqqaf reminds us that fasting is an act between…

Can a Husband Prevent His Wife From Working?

Shaykh Farid Dingle responds to the question if husbands can…
7 Student Testimonials to Inspire You

7 Student Testimonials to Inspire You

Last year alone SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary served…
Our Lady Fatima al Zahra

Our Lady Fatima al Zahra

She is Fatima al Batul, al Zahra, the radiant Lady of Paradise, the daughter of the Beloved, Allah bless him and give him peace. She is the mother of the prophetic progeny, Allah be pleased with her. She is also called al Siddiqa, the truthful; al Tahira, the pure; and al Zakiyya, the flawless.
Love Makes You Deaf and Blind

I Am in Love with Someone Who Does Not Love Me. What Do I Do?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question: Assalam aleykum, I…
Transcend This World

Transcend This World – Imam Zaid Shakir

We should be a joyous people. All this stuff has happened out there. Islamophobia and all this other stuff is happening. Depression, suicide, we went through the whole gamut and the first khutba. We still should be a joyous people, because we have faith in our heart, because we have belief in the Hereafter, because we know no matter how bad things get in this world, if we patiently persevere, if we struggle and we forge on, then we’re opening the gates for unimaginable bliss for the rest of eternity.
What Makes A Marriage Work

What Makes A Marriage Work – Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

In terms of what engenders and facilitates these relationships, one is really important: Islamic etiquette. It’s very important to remember that just like your brother, you’re supposed to greet them with a smile.
Maqam Imam Al-Haddad

Imam al Haddad Rebukes One of His Students – Muwasala

In this letter, Imam al Haddad issues a strong rebuke to one of his students. Before even addressing him personally, he eloquently reminds him of the worthlessness of this life and warns him against being attached to anything worldly. He asks Allah to rectify his heart and bless him with contentment.