Tag Archive for: menstruation

White Discharge and Preventing Discharge from Breaking Wudu

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: Asalaamu alaykum, …

Should I Delay My Ghusl After the End of Menstruation?

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: My question…

Confusion About Different Opinions Regarding What is Considered Menstruation

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: Assalamu alaikum.…

Questions About Post-Natal Bleeding and Birth Control

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: After a child's…

Is It Permissible to Use Pills to Stop Menstrual Bleeding?

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question I have been keeping…

Acts Prohibited During Menstruation and Their Proofs

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: Is there any…

Making Up Fasts Missed Due to Menstruation

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: I have years worth…
Dua for the Deceased

Can a Menstruating Woman Perform a Ritual Bath for the Deceased?

Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas Question: Can a menstruating…

Is Blood During Pregnancy Considered Menstruation?

Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: If a pregnant…