Tag Archive for: praying

At Which Point Is One’s Recitation Considered Loud (Jahr)?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi  Question Salam. I wanted…

Can I Make Dua In a Language Other Than Arabic During Sajdah?

Question: I love a girl a lot, and she understands this but…

How Do I Perform the Prostration Of the Prayer If It Causes Me Great Pain?

Question: How do I perform the prostration of the prayer if it…

Asking From God – The Art of Supplication: A Comprehensive Reader

A Comprehensive Guide to Supplication (Dua) In the Name of…

When Is It Sinful to Walk in Front of Someone Who Is Praying?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question What are the conditions,…
junaid jamshed character

What Happened When My Son Disturbed Junaid Jamshed in His Prayer

The recent death of Junaid Jamshed has shocked and saddened to…
Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Side Entrance: Why Mosques Are Still Getting It Wrong, by Mona Rahman

Mona Rahman on the consequences of entering mosques through…
Shepherding Our Sons And Daughters

Parenting: Planting the seeds of prayer in our young ones

Teaching our children and teenagers to perform obligatory prayers,…
The Point of Worship in Ramadan

The Virtue of Praying in the First Row

Understanding Virtue through the Prophetic Teachings (Lesson…

Praying in Congregation

Understanding Virtue through the Prophetic Teachings (Lesson…