Tag Archive for: salat

Does Praying Slowly behind the Imam Invalidate My Prayer?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question I pray very slowly…

Does Moving a Little during the Prayer Invalidate It?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question From what I understand,…

Can You Combine Sunna Prayers and If So, with Which Prayers?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Can You Combine Sunna…

Does Urine From Peritoneal Dialysis Break Wudu?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question I have a rather unconventional…

Is Being Late for Work an Excuse to Pray without Wudu?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question At work, I pray the…

Should I Repeat My Prayer after Hearing a Delayed Azan?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question So I prayed Maghrib…

Can a Gay Person or Someone Who Commits Zina Lead Prayer?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question The following questions…

Can I Be Excused For Not Attending the Local Masjid Congregation Due to Tinnitus?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question My question is, I…

Does Praying Without Wudu Make One Leave the Fold of Islam?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question I was reading an article,…

Does the Presence of Non-muslims in the Congregational Prayer in Validate the Prayer of the Believer?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question When praying in a row…