Tag Archive for: spirituality


Fasting Has Abrahamic Roots – Ustadh Ali Ataie

Ustadh Ali Ataie gives a short history of fasting in Judaism…
The Art of Doing

Adab 01: The Art of Doing Things Right – Introduction

In this new series of articles and podcasts, Ustadh Tabraze Azam…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 28: When Praying Is Haram

Allah Most High says, "I am near - I answer the call of the one…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 27: Impermissible Duas

Allah Most High says, "I am near - I answer the call of the one…
heroes and heroines of Islam

Heroes and Heroines of Islam: Part One–Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf

We regularly hear of the great heroes and heroines of Islam.…
The Theology of Islamic Art

The Theology of Islamic Art

In late 2017, Zaytuna College, America's only Muslim liberal…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 25: Are My Duas Being Answered?

Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the…
Rays of the Soul

A Great Female Servant of God by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Ustadh Amjad Tarsin reflects on the apparent contradiction some…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: Runaway Rationality

The intellect can be blinded by the passions. Only a cool and…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 24: The States That Can Change Fate

Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the…