Entries by Ahmed D.

06- The Art of Reading -Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary

In this final episode of The Art of Reading, Dr Yusuf Patel asks Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary to holistically summarize all the various points and aspects which were discussed in the previous episodes. Shaykh Ahmed provides a comprehensive plan of how to coalesce all the skills of reading so that a student of knowledge is […]

05- The Art of Reading- Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary

  In this new podcast series, Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary will discuss why the art of reading is critical for students of knowledge to master. One of the greatest barriers in mastering a science is the inability to read with structure and comprehension. In this series, Shaykh Ahmed will provide students with a detailed […]

Episode 4 The Art of Reading – Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary

In this fourth episode, Nabiel Mohamed asks Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary to provide advice and insights on how to select a suitable text for reading when studying a certain discipline. Additionally, Shaykh Ahmed provides a methodology of how to utilize the various components of a book (the introduction, index, nomenclature etc) in enhancing one’s understanding […]

03- The Art of Reading- Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary

In this new podcast series, Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary will discuss why the art of reading is critical for students of knowledge to master. One of the greatest barriers in mastering a science is the inability to read with structure and comprehension. In this series, Shaykh Ahmed will provide students with a detailed approach […]

Embracing Excellence: 30 Steps on the Straight Path – 01 – Certainty, from Imam Haddad’s Book of Assistance – Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Ustadh Amjad Tarsin covers the first chapter of Imam Haddad’s manual The Book of Assistance, on Certainty. He explains how we can nurture sincerity through the reflection in our lives and to our how this applies to our recitation of the Quran in Ramadan. Ustadh Amjad explains why certainty is seen as the first step, […]

02- The Art of Reading- Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary

In this new podcast series, Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary will discuss why the art of reading is critical for students of knowledge to master. One of the greatest barriers in mastering a science is the inability to read with structure and comprehension. In this series, Shaykh Ahmed will provide students with a detailed approach […]

01- The Art of Reading – Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary

In this new podcast series, Shaykh Ahmed Hussein El Azhary will discuss why the art of reading is critical for students of knowledge to master. One of the greatest barriers in mastering a science is the inability to read with structure and comprehension. In this series, Shaykh Ahmed will provide students with a detailed approach […]

Forgiveness in Light of Being With The People, by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Forgiveness in Light of Being With The People, by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin Capturing the Spirit of Ramadan Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation Every night our Ramadan scholars will explore one of the three key spiritual goals of Ramadan. Each talk will conclude with a dynamic conversation as we explore mercy, forgiveness and salvation deeply and see […]