
Community Building

February 21, 2018 2 mins

Prophetic Ethic of Selflessness and Sacrifice – Imam Mendes

The Arabic word for selflessness is ithar. It means to give without ego. Sacrifice, tadhiya, means to give up something for a greater cause. These are two key elements in building a community. This is the focus of Imam Mendes’s talk. The importance of this ethic, of these two concepts of selflessness and sacrifice, is […]
February 7, 2018 1 min

Adab of Dua Series: Introduction and Etiquette

The Adab of Dua is a 30-part series about the etiquette and reality of dua (supplication) in the Islamic tradition. These talks are based on a text by the same name, written by Shaykh al Islam Zakariyya al Ansari. In this introduction, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani speaks about how we often hesitate in making dua, usually […]
January 7, 2018 2 mins

Some of the Proper Manners of Service (khidma) Ones Teachers—and in All Religi...

Some of the Proper Manners of Service (khidma) Ones Teachers—and in All Religious Activism Muwasala—an excellent resource for reliable Islamic guidance—share the following response from Habib Umar bin Hafiz: What are some of the etiquettes of service (khidma)? [Muwasala] [The Intention in Serving] Any type of service, whether it be service of a shaykh or […]
October 25, 2017 0 mins

The Ummah was Built in the Masjid – Remosqued with Shaykh Yasir Fahmy

Following is an excellent podcast from IMANWire. In this podcast Shaykh Yasir Fahmy discusses his journey from a Catholic prep school, to a career in venture capital, to studying sacred knowledge at Al-Azhar. Please subscribe to the podcast and visit www.imanwire.com for the latest articles and podcast episodes. Send any questions or comments to @imanwired on Twitter or [email protected].