Shaykh Faraz Khan

November 5, 2020 8 mins

 Triumphant in Times of Tribulations by Following the Prophet

  Triumphant in the times of Tribulations by Following the Prophet By Shaykh Faraz Khan   In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. In today’s age and time, we see many trials and tribulations all around the world. Perhaps, we feel that the most affected people from all these tribulations are […]
March 12, 2013 1 min

What is the Spiritual Significance of Our Method of Slaughtering?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question What is the spiritual meaning (if known) behind the slaughter method? Is it an offering to Allah, or a seeking of permission from Allah to consume the meat, or something else? With the rise of islamophobia and anti-halal campaigns, halal is said to be some sort of an […]
March 2, 2013 2 mins

Do Good Non-Muslims and Bad Muslims Both Go to Hell?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question I was having a discussion with an atheist, and he brought up an issue that had me stumped. A good unbeliever who does a good action will end up in hell, and a bad believer will get the same fate. Is this an accurate understanding? Answer I pray […]
July 12, 2012 2 mins

Is It Permissible to Get a Fade Haircut?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question Is it permissible to get a fade haircut? Answer I pray this finds you in the best of health states. To completely shave any part of the head and leave the rest unshaven is disliked, based on the hadiths in which the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon […]
June 20, 2012 6 mins

What Are the Criteria for Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question When should one be vague to avoid disputes (when one disagrees with the other person, but doesn’t say something negative in response) versus not supporting or even correcting incorrect Islamic beliefs. How does one know to choose one over the other? Answer I pray this finds you in […]
May 15, 2012 2 mins

Is It Permissible To Delay ‘Isha Prayer to the Last Part of the Night?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question Lately, Isha prayers have been starting really late, for example at 11 pm and Fajr is at around 4 am. As I go to school, I have to wake up at 6.30 am and this means I won’t get much sleep. I also have health problems when I […]
April 8, 2012 5 mins

What if It Turns Out in the Hereafter That We Followed False Opinions?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question It is said that the four madhabs differ only on smaller jurisprudence issues and not issues regarding aqida. I understand that but then I heard that Hanafis regard witr as wajib while Shafi‘is regard it as sunna. Does that mean that if the Shafi‘is are wrong they might […]
April 7, 2012 1 min

Is It Permissible to Hold One’s Baby in Salah?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question I had a question regarding the salah. When I pray fard salah at home (sometimes praying alone and sometimes as the imam leading my family), my son (9 months old) will grab onto my leg and cry. During the sitting parts of the salah, he will just come […]
March 12, 2012 1 min

Is Forex Trading Permissible?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question I want to know about forex trading is it permissible in Islam? Nowadays, many houses offer interest-free accounts, so is it permissible to trade in currency pairs like we buy euros for dollars and later on sell them and make a profit? Answer I pray this finds you […]
February 16, 2012 2 mins

What Are the Basic Rulings of Prayer During Travel?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question My university is some 95 miles from my home address and I stay there five nights a week and return home for two. When not at university, I attend an unpaid placement some 200 miles from my home address and approximately 125 miles from the university. I usually […]
January 19, 2012 15 mins

How Do I Control My Porn Addiction and Horrible Thoughts about Allah?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question I am a young man and have recently suffered a few physical injuries, as well as some psychiatric problems of extreme loneliness and OCD. I tried getting into Islam and stopped most of my unlawful activities, yet recently fell back into committing major sins, including pornography. Are movies […]
October 16, 2011 3 mins

Did Imam Abu Hanifa Distinguish Between the Legal Rulings for Wine and Beer?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question Did Imam Abu Hanifa distinguish between wine and beer? Answer I pray this finds you in the best of health and states. The short answer is yes, Imam Abu Hanifa did make a distinction between wine and beer with respect to legal categorization and some rulings, yet in […]
May 30, 2011 2 mins

Is It Permissible to Lie In Order to Conceal Past Sins?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question My mother asked me about things in my past I may have done. To one of the questions, I replied “wallah no” because I couldn’t tell the truth as it may jeopardize my relationship with my family. I lied and swore, and I completely understand that this is […]
March 28, 2011 2 mins

Does the Concept of Having a “Soulmate” Exist in Islam?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan Question Is there a concept of soulmate in Islam? If someone you love dies before getting married and the one living eventually gets married to another person, will the person you married be the person you will meet in the hereafter? What would be your advise to someone who […]
February 3, 2011 1 min

What Is the Legal Status of the Blood From a Woman Who Had a Miscarriage?

Answered by Ustadh Faraz A. Khan Question What are the details for a woman when she has a miscarriage and reading salah at different stages of the pregnancy? I have heard if it is an early pregnancy (she has a miscarriage at 6 weeks) then this is not counted as Nifas but rather Istihada. Is […]
January 19, 2011 6 mins

I Have Baseless Misgivings (Waswasa) About the Soundness of My Faith and My Marr...

Answered by Ustadh Faraz A. Khan Question For the past several years, I’ve struggled greatly with waswasa and general worrying/paranoia regarding issues surrounding my practice and understanding of fiqhy matters. Two key matters worry me a great deal issues regarding faith and belief and marriage. The worry I have around faith is concerns about unintentionally […]
September 9, 2010 2 mins

Do I Have to Wear Hijab In Front of Non-Muslim Relatives?

Answered by Ustadh Faraz A. Khan Question 1. May a Muslim woman uncover her hair in front of her non-muslim sister/mother/first-degree female relative? If so can she uncover in front of her, as she would in front of a mahram Muslim male? I.e., everything except what is between the navel and the knees (excluding the […]