Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

September 22, 2021 1 min

Can We Send Our Children to Secular, Non-Muslim Schools?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Is it allowed in Islam to send our kids to secular schools and learn from non-muslims? I learned that there’s a hadith in Abu Dawud in which the Messenger of Allah, (Allah bless him and give him peace) warned us not to leave our children among disbelievers, and classical […]
September 15, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Choose between Potential and Established Suitor?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question How do I choose from two marriage proposals? One started five months ago, but after months of planning, my mom rejected him because of his past and not being able to graduate. He was religious but currently unemployed due to the pandemic and his parents’ circumstances. The second is […]
September 14, 2021 3 mins

Why Are Only Wives Threatened in Hadith for Making Mistakes?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I saw this hadith: “Every time a woman hurts or annoys her husband in this life, his Hoor wife says, ‘may Allah curse you he is but an outsider who will soon leave you for us‘“ And another hadith that says her prayer will not be accepted. Does that […]
September 14, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Advise My Father To Become Religious When It Angers Him?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I try to advise my father who is about 40 years older than me about Islam because I want good for him. My father says things like “I have done so much for you. Instead of thanking me, you attack me”, for things that are meant to be good. […]
September 14, 2021 3 mins

Can I Marry an Atheist With Whom I Am Deeply in Love?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m in a relationship with an atheist who has been leaning towards agnosticism for a year. We are both over 40. I love her qualities, and I’ve had no success in finding a Muslim or Christian girl. I live in the West and am out of touch with the […]
September 14, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Approach a Girl for Marriage While I Am Still Studying?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question There is a Muslim girl who I really like, but I have not seen her in over a year and still find myself very interested in her. I really want to ask her if she would be interested in getting to know me for marriage in the future. I […]
September 12, 2021 2 mins

Is It Obligatory To Cover My Nakedness When I Am Alone?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I find it very hard to wear loose, modest clothes at home. As a woman, am I allowed to wear something that does not cover the area between my navel and knee when I’m alone at home? And if it does cover, is it permissible to be tight, like […]
September 12, 2021 4 mins

How Can I Deal With My Stingy Husband Who Earns Well?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Even though my husband is earning well, he is very stingy about spending on me and the children. I mostly have to spend the money I get on behalf of my autistic son for housing needs and my own needs as a woman. My son’s money should be for […]
September 12, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Get Rid of My Anxiety About Praying To Show Off?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I feel really anxious while praying, and I feel like I’m doing everything wrong. If someone enters the room while I’m praying, I feel like I’m doing it to show off to them. I just want to have a pure intention. I don’t know what to do or how […]
September 10, 2021 6 mins

Should Women Prioritize Their Life at Home over Work?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Many women desire to go to work as if it is their duty and prepare more for it than for marriage & motherhood. Their parents are ignorant too. This is causing great harm to the ummah. Isn’t it better to restrict them to focus on their duties assigned by […]
September 10, 2021 3 mins

How Can We Convince Our Families To Let Us Marry Each Other?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am interested in marrying a man who is 23 years old, and I am 19. My sister married his brother, and we are family friends. We approached our parents, but both sides disapproved and were very disappointed with us. I did istikhara and made dua for this to […]
September 10, 2021 2 mins

Is It Sinful for Girlfriends To Joke That They Will Marry Each Other?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question My best friends and I joke with each other sometimes that we’re getting married because we love each other so much. Since we’re all girls, is that a sin? We don’t actually mean it, it’s just an exaggeration which is what makes the joke funny to us. Answer Assalamu […]
September 10, 2021 2 mins

Can I Wear Sunscreen Containing Zinc To Hide Blemishes?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I prefer to wear sunscreen containing zinc. However, zinc can have a beautifying effect similar to foundation/makeup by lightening the appearance of skin and covering some blemishes. Can I wear zinc in public to protect against the effects of the sun (e.g., tanning, sun spots) despite the beautifying effect?  […]
September 10, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Stop My Wife’s Constant Nagging and Complaining?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question How to stop one’s wife from always nagging? No matter what good the husband does, she is always complaining and nagging.   Answer Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question.  I am sorry that you are suffering at the hands of your wife, and I pray that this problem […]
September 9, 2021 2 mins

How Do I Get Rid of My Boyfriend Who Is Blackmailing Me To Stay With Him?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I have a boyfriend, and now I want to get rid of him. He has some dirt on me, and he is currently blackmailing me and forcing me to go on with this relationship. Is there any dua that will help me get rid of this person from my […]
September 9, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Convince My Boyfriend’s Parents To Allow Us To Marry?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question My boyfriend and I have loved each other for four years, and we want to get married. His parents are not accepting me because of my past, even though my boyfriend is OK with it. What should I do?   Answer Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question.  I […]
September 8, 2021 1 min

Is It Permissible for Me To Be a Surgeon as a Female?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am a graduated doctor interested in pursuing my career in surgery and doing something for the women who are suffering. Surgery is a male dominant field in my country. Also, there are controversies about women working there. I will also have to uncover my arms while washing before […]
September 8, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Make My Wife Happy When I Work, Cook, Clean and Tend to the Children?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question At the beginning of my marriage, I had some financial issues that understandably caused marital problems. I was advised, and alhamdulillah was quick to resolve this, and I am now, as I should be, the sole provider for my household. I also cook regularly, clean, and tend to our […]
August 31, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Repent From Fornication When I Wasn’t Muslim?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I was not always a Muslim. Like every convert, I engaged in pre-marital sex with many boyfriends and lovers until I became a Muslim. I get annoyed at seeing chaste Muslim women and start to tag them with my former days of fornication instead of repenting. How can I […]
August 31, 2021 3 mins

Is It Sinful To Plan To Divorce My Wife so I Can Marry Another I Love?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I have a very strained marriage and I have reconnected with a friend from 25 years ago and we’ve fallen in love. Due to circumstances and children, a divorce would be very detrimental. Although my friend doesn’t follow a religion, due to her pure heart, she feels she’d be […]
August 31, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Marry The Person I Like?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question A Muslim boy and I want to marry but his parents say that he can only marry after he is established and after his siblings marry first, but my parents won’t wait that long. What is the solution for this as I don’t want to lose this person? Answer […]
August 30, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Feel Confident When Everyone Wants To Marry Fair-Skinned Girls?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m feeling very sad these days. Nowadays people only want to marry beautiful women, especially where I live. My average-looking cousin wanted to uncompromisingly marry someone beautiful and he got the most beautiful wife. How do we feel confident in this environment where everyone desires and praises beautiful fair-skinned […]
August 30, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Marry When Most Girls Fangirl?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I have some married friends who have wives that swoon over celebrities in front of them. Even worse, some even comment that they would leave their spouse for a celebrity among many things. As unfair and generalized it may be, it seems that the majority of women are like […]
August 30, 2021 2 mins

Is It Sinful To Laugh at My Parents When They Are Backbiting?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Once my parent was angry and was backbiting about hairdressers. I couldn’t just leave as the parent was angry and I feared getting into trouble. My parents said something about the hairdresser four times and I sniggered although trying very hard not to laugh and biting my lip. I […]