Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

January 19, 2021 2 mins

What Is the Difference Between Menstruation and Istihada?

Question: I noticed some blood in my white discharge a few days ago for two days. Later, I wiped, but there was no trace of blood. Yesterday, I wiped and found some brown discharge, but today it was clean. The area is very dry and clean now with no blood at all. Do note that […]
January 17, 2021 3 mins

Should I Follow My Dad’s Advice If It Contradicts My Mom’s?

Question: I’m a 24-year-old woman. My parents have been divorced since I was a child. I live with my mom who wants me to get married as soon as I can and is manipulating me into getting married. My father offered to help me finish my Master’s degree and will let me choose whomever I […]
January 16, 2021 3 mins

Should I Divorce My Husband If All We Do Is Argue?

Question: I have been married for two and a half years. My married life has been filled with constant arguments. My husband is an angry man and gets in a rage about the tiny things. He refuses to believe that he is ever wrong. We do not understand each other at all, and I have […]
January 16, 2021 2 mins

Is It a Sin To Deny a Husband’s Rights If He Does Not Fulfill the WifeR...

Question: My husband does not fulfill my needs. Can I deny him his rights? Is he sinning if he does not fulfill my needs? Am I sinful if I deny him any of his rights? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. It is truly disheartening to see this cycle of anger and emotional […]
January 16, 2021 3 mins

Should She Stay In an Abusive Marriage?

Question: My friend has been married for seven years and has two daughters. She lives with her in-laws, and her husband and his family always insult her and fail to appreciate her while she does all the chores. Her husband does not pray, does not read the Qur’an, and does not fast Ramadan. He is […]
January 16, 2021 3 mins

Is a History Of Divorce a Valid Concern?

Question: I have gotten to know a guy who is practicing and ticks all my boxes for marriage. However, my family does not approve of him because his mum passed away when he was young, and his dad remarried again and then got divorced. My family thinks this is not a good family only because […]
January 15, 2021 2 mins

Can a Woman Work If There Is Too Much Financial Pressure On the Husband?

Question: We know that Allah has appointed the husbands to earn for their family, and it is His mercy that he has not obliged this on women. Today, with so much expense, if a single person is to feed a large family, it creates a lot of pressure on the individual. This stress is then […]
January 15, 2021 3 mins

How I Can I Address My Husband’s Problem Of Forcing Himself On Me?

Question: My husband refused to sleep with me because he didn’t want me to fall pregnant. We had a disagreement about this for a week and he stayed away from me. Last night he came close to me, I asked him why he came after a week but there was no reply. I fell asleep […]
January 14, 2021 2 mins

Is Everything In My House Impure?

Question: I was careless in the preventing of spreading impurity, i.e. prostatic fluid. Now it has spread to almost all things in my house. Now on rainy days people come to our house with wet clothes and sit down, so their clothes become soiled. Also, our family goes to masjid, which makes the carpet of […]
January 14, 2021 1 min

What Are the Conditions Of a Nikah When Marrying a Christian Woman?

Question: What are the conditions to fulfill a marriage contract for marrying a Christian woman? Do divorced women in this case and in general require a wali or wakil? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. I pray that Allah blesses your union and gives her the opportunity to learn about Islam and convert […]
January 14, 2021 3 mins

Will Allah Forgive Me For Fighting With My Husband?

Question:  I fought often with my husband, and many times he slept away from me. I never refused intercourse, but he says I never encourage it. He says he is not happy with me. We have four children: two are mine, and two are step-children from his second wife. I was the third wife, but […]
January 14, 2021 2 mins

Should I Stay In My Arranged Marriage?

Question: A Muslim friend asked me this, but I did not have an answer. She had an arranged marriage only to make her mother happy as she was averse to the man. She tries to love him but cannot force herself to love. She is thinking of divorcing him, but she feels guilty about hurting […]
January 14, 2021 2 mins

Which Child Takes Care Of the Parents?

Question: In a family where there are four children (all adults, two elder sisters, and two younger brothers), and the younger one of the sisters is married with children. Likewise, the younger one of the brothers is married with children. The father is deceased, and the mother is elderly, who is responsible for the financial […]
January 14, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Take Care Of My Parents?

Question: I am living with my husband away from my home country where my parents live. My father is ill, and my mother takes care of him. I am always stressed out in leaving them alone. Whom should I stay with, my parents or my husband? I am not able to support them financially unless […]
January 14, 2021 3 mins

Is It Permissible For My Wife To Excessively Leave the House?

Question: I do not like my wife going out of the house frequently without legitimate need and for excessive social gatherings. However, after having counseled her regarding this, I have accepted this in the greater interest of the marriage and hope that with time she will realize that it leads to ghafla (heedlessness) and possible […]
January 13, 2021 2 mins

Are We Sinful Because Of Shaytan?

Question: Can you please explain the difference between Shaytan al-Nafs and the Shaytan? Also, are we sinful because of Shaytan, or are we simply inclined to sin? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. The questions that you ask are very important and understanding them is a good starting point for eliminating sin from […]
January 13, 2021 1 min

How Do I Deal With My Sister-In-Law As We Live In the Same House?

Question: How do Interact with my sister in law? I live in the same house as my parents, and sometimes I am required to pick up my sister-in-law, who is a doctor, from her workplace when it gets late, as my brother lives in another country for his work. How do I manage this? Answer: […]
January 12, 2021 1 min

Is Fasting On the 27th, 28th, and 29th Of the Lunar Month Sunna?

Question: Is there any voluntary fast on black days 27th, 28th, and 29th every month of the lunar calendar?  Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. I have not heard or read anything at all about fasting during the phases of the new moon. Please see this link about fasting during the white days: […]
January 12, 2021 4 mins

Why Are My Parents Refusing My Future Spouse?

Question: I love a man, and he loves me too. We were in a serious relationship for a year and wanted to get married. He is religious and has a good character, but we decided to give up the sins for the sake of Allah and hope that He makes a way for us to […]
January 12, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Dispel Sinful Thoughts?

Question: I am unmarried and twenty-two years old. For the past four months, I have been having dirty thoughts. It started off by thinking of images of the male genitalia, but now I think of images of people having sex. Sometimes, I will imagine being sexually abused by any male in front of me. I […]
January 12, 2021 2 mins

What Should I Do About Stubborn Parents Who Refuse My Potential Suitor?

Question: I am a 23-year-old postgraduate female student, and I am in love with my classmate who is 27 years old. In sha Allah, next year we will graduate, and soon he will get a job. I told my father about him, but my father is strictly against telling him that we are poor and […]
January 12, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Help My Husband Who Is Impotent After Surgery?

Question: I have been married for 17 years with 2 children, and we love each other. Recently my husband got diagnosed with prostate cancer, had prostate removal, and is currently under treatment. He is young, and it is hard for him to accept the fact that he became impotent. I told him I will happily […]
January 12, 2021 2 mins

Should I Study Medicine or Become a Scholar?

Question: My parents force me to study medicine to the extent of abusing me, but I love Islamic studies and want to become a scholar and professor. They threaten me by saying that they will not pay for me and this field pays nothing. They say they will send me to do a tailoring job […]
January 12, 2021 3 mins

Should I Return To My Wife Who Refuses To Admit To Her Mistakes?

Question: I am not happy with my wife since she is not at all taking care of me. We have been separated for a year now, and she has not shown that it bothers her. Her parents have asked me to forget the past and start a new beginning. But I am not at all […]