Tag Archive for: eid
Post-Ramadan Renewal: Five Lessons to Live By
* Originally Published on 24/06/2017
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani…
When Should I Fast? When Should I Celebrate Eid? Moonsighting, Calculations, and Muslim Unity – Shaykh Hamza Karamali
Every year, Muslim communities are divided over whether to…
Is It Permissible to Trim My Beard Before Offering My Eid Sacrifice? (Shafi’i)
Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah
Question: Assalamu alaykum
The Believer’s Strange Rejoicing – and an Exclusive Eid Gift
Eid Message from Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Eid al-Adha, 1439 / 2018
Charity in Ramadan – Ustadh Abdul Muhaymin
In this video, Ustadh Abdul Muhaymin speaks about the merits…
When Is It Valid for My Qurbani to Occur in Another Country?
Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas
Question: Assalam aleykum
Who Has to Perform the Ritual Slaughter (Udhiya)?
Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas
While growing up…
Can an Eid Sacrifice Be Done on Behalf of Someone Else? (Shafi’i)
Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah
Question: Assalamu alaykum
I’m Vegetarian: Is There An Alternative to Qurbani Slaughtering of An Animal?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Question: Salam. Is there…
Eid Mubarak! Your free Eid Gift
Thank you for your support. In gratitude of your support, please…