Charity in Ramadan – Ustadh Abdul Muhaymin
In this video, Ustadh Abdul Muhaymin speaks about the merits of giving sadaqa (charity) and how we should go about giving it in this blessed time, even if we don’t have that much money.
Sadaqa, or charity, is one of the pinnacle aspects of our actions this Ramadan. It can be in the form of money or something tangible, but it doesn’t have to be. For example, it can be removing something dangerous from the road, smiling at someone, a word of kindness–anything of benefit.
The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, was known to be the most generous, and his charity would increase in the month of Ramadan. We know that the rewards for our good deeds are multiplies this Ramadan, so we should strive to do as many good things as possible. It’s amazing how much Allah is giving us this Ramadan.
With gratitude to Tayba Foundation.