Tag Archive for: islam

Sacred Months by Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

In honor of this sacred month of Rajab, the month of Allah, Shaykh…
How Rebecca Found Guidance

Seeker Story: How Rebecca Found Guidance

Seven years ago, shortly after taking her shahada, Rebecca began…
Rays of the Soul

A Great Female Servant of God by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Ustadh Amjad Tarsin reflects on the apparent contradiction some…
Ya Imam al Rusli

Eternal Creed: Universal Guide For Perplexing Times

Mawlana Hamzah Maqbul’s Eternal Creed Project presents Aqida…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: Runaway Rationality

The intellect can be blinded by the passions. Only a cool and…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: Identifying My Politics

To identify your politics, you must first discern the reality…
Spiritual Activism Riad Saloojee

Spiritual Activism: The Me in the Mirror

We must individually come to terms with the “me in the mirror”…
Habib Salim al-Shatiri

Obituary: Habib Salim al-Shatiri

Habib Salim was born in Tarim in 1359 (1940). He was the youngest…
Ya Imam al Rusli

Becoming Muslim by Shaykh Nuh Keller

This article by Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller is a personal reflection…

Adab of Dua Series: Introduction and Etiquette

The Adab of Dua is a 30-part series about the etiquette and reality…