Tag Archive for: love

Maqam Imam Al-Haddad

Imam al Haddad Rebukes One of His Students – Muwasala

In this letter, Imam al Haddad issues a strong rebuke to one of his students. Before even addressing him personally, he eloquently reminds him of the worthlessness of this life and warns him against being attached to anything worldly. He asks Allah to rectify his heart and bless him with contentment.
The Lord of Forgiveness

The Lord of Forgiveness 02 – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba Dhib

This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: "The Foremost…

I Fell in Love so Deeply with Someone and Cannot Forget Him. What Do I Do?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question: Assalam aleykum, Two…

How the Ihya Overcame Apartheid–Shaykh Seraj Hendricks

Mishkat Media have produced a wonderful interview with Shaykh…
Why We Suffer

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa on Sura Luqman – On Entertaining Discourse

Sura Luqman emphasizes tarbiya, or spiritual growth, and is named…
Nasheed Hub

Nasheed Hub: Ya Sa’da Qawm

Ya Saada Qawm was written by the great spiritual master, Gawth Abu-Madyan, and speaks about the people who have attained unto Allah. It does so in beautiful words that reflect the beauty of this experiential relationship, in a way that almost lets us taste it.
17 Benefits of Tribulation

Nasheed Hub: Talama Ashku Gharami

Talama Ashku Gharami, or "How Long Will My Heart Ache," is a heartfelt Nasheed that may can relate to. One of the less-appreciated poems, it speaks directly to the soul.
Give Gifts

Day 23: Give Gifts– 30 Deeds 30 Days

Day 23: Give Gifts With Eid coming up soon, let's talk about…
Be A Guardian

Day 21: Be A Guardian – 30 Deeds 30 Days

Day 21: Be a Guardian Allah's name Al-Ghaffar, can be simply…
Speak Good About Others

Day 16: Speak Good About Others–30 Deeds 30 Days

Day 16: Speak Good About Others Even if we dislike someone,…