Tag Archive for: prophetic example

How is the Prophetic Example (Sunnah) Relevant?

How is the Prophetic Example (Sunnah) Relevant?

How is the Prophetic example (sunnah) relevant and how do you…

Open Our Hearts, Before We Open Our Mosques

As mosques around the United Kingdom open their doors for a national…
A Timeless Love

A Timeless Love – The Prophet ﷺ and Khadijah, by Habib Ali al-Jifri

Habib Ali Al-Jifri beautifully recalls the loving companionship…

A Warning Against Kibr (Conceit), from Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

“Allah Guides to His Light Whom He Wills.”  (Surah An-Nur) Allahumma…
Prophet Muhammad

Finding Safety and Solace in the Sunnah

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate.…

“Where are the fathers?” Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said on the best of examples

The An-Nisa Society in Wembley, London, an organisation managed…

Sunnahs of Eating

Answered by  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: This question…