Tag Archive for: Ramadan

Guidance for Ramadan: Insights from Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Habib Umar bin Hafiz (May Allah Preserve Him) said:[1] Leaving…

Virtues of the Sacred Month of Muharram, Its First Ten Days, and the Day of `Ashura

Duties of the Month of Muharram 1. It is the best of months…

‘Eid Poems: Ramadan Is Over… « Ecstatic Exchange / Poetry of Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore

Eid Poems: Ramadan Is Over… « Ecstatic Exchange / Poetry of…

The Significance of Eid – Faraz Rabbani

      Islam has two major holidays, Eid…

Ramadan Over? – Poem by Aaron Sellars

Ramadan Over? - Aaron Sellars Ramadan's only over For the…
The Virtues of Night Worship

Reflections on Laylatul Qadr: Honoring the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Which of the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan Isn’t Laylatul Qadr? Despite…

The Spiritual Retreat (I‘tikaf) in Ramadan

The I‘tikaf (Spiritual Retreat) in Ramadan One of the great…

Chapters on Fasting: Riyad al-Salihin (Gardens of the Righteous)

Translated by Ayesha Bewley (riyad6) Chapters on Fasting 217.…

Creating Ramadan Traditions

By Hina Khan-Mukhtar When I reflect on my childhood memories…
Farewell Ode to Ramadan

Readying the Ruh for Ramadan by Hina Khan- Mukhtar

The Ramadan moon is only a few nights away from being sighted,…