Tag Archive for: reminder

Finding Allah Through Fasting

Finding Allah Through Fasting – Dr Umar Faruq Abd Allah

Dr Umar Faruq Abd-Allah reminds us of the ultimate purpose of…
heroes and heroines of Islam

Heroes and Heroines of Islam: Part Two–Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf

We regularly hear of the great heroes and heroines of Islam.…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 24: The States That Can Change Fate

Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the…
when dua is disliked

Adab of Dua 10: Leave All Rhyme and Ask the Divine

Allah Most High says, “I am near. I answer the call of the…
Islamic art

Islam and the Spiritual Realm by Sheikh Ahmed Abdo

How much do you know about the spiritual realm? We think we…
What a Second-Degree Burn Taught Me About Focus

What a Second-Degree Burn Taught Me About Focus, by Chloe Idris

Chloe Idris writes about losing focus and the searing pain of…
What We Need More Than Food or Water

What We Need More Than Food or Water, by Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

Allah, Most High, tells us in Qur'an about the most important…
Zackary King in conversation

On Mosques, Companionship, & Knowledge: Zackary King in conversation

When Zackary King decided to become Muslim after three long years…
On the Journey through the Grave

On the Journey through the Grave, by Shaykh Samir al-Nass

Death and the afterlife is something extremely difficult to think…
Islamic sciences

Why Muslim Women Must Return To The Forefront Of The Islamic sciences – Dr. Rania Awaad

As a woman in a hijab, Dr. Rania Awaad gets funny looks in the…