Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

October 16, 2020 4 mins

Is It Permissible to Eat Filet-O-Fish from McDonald’s?

Question: Is it OK to eat a Filet-O-Fish sandwich from Mcdonald’s? They say their fries are 100% vegetarian and are cooked in vegetable oil, as well as the Filet-O-Fish. My husband wants to avoid it to be safe but I sometimes crave it because I came from a Muslim country where Mcdonald’s is halal. Answer: Assalamu […]
October 16, 2020 3 mins

What Do Women Get in Paradise?

Question: What do women get in Paradise? I feel uncomfortable, confused, and upset with the concept of the beautiful, virgin maidens of Paradise. In the Qur’an, they are mentioned regularly as a reward for believing men. As a Muslim woman, I am getting the impression that women are a reward for men, and it makes […]
October 16, 2020 3 mins

My Mother Emotionally Abuses Us and Her Husband

Question: My mother is making us suffer. She thinks she is always right. She brainwashed my sister and I from a young age to hate our father. Now as adults, we know it’s the opposite. She is toxic and has emotionally abused us and broken my father’s spirit many times. I can no longer bear […]
October 16, 2020 1 min

Can I Make Personal Supplication During My Prayer After the Fatiha?

Question: It is said that when reciting the Qur’an one should pause at certain verses and ask for heaven and seek refuge from hell and make certain supplications and so forth. Is this when reciting outside of prayer or even in prayer?  Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. The du`a that you refer to […]
October 16, 2020 3 mins

Do We Make a Distinction Between Prophets?

Question: At the end of Surat Al Baqarah, we are informed that all prophets are equal, yet, at the same time we know about the five Ulul-Azmi. Can you please clarify this topic regarding loving and respecting all prophets? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, thank you for your question brother. The ayah that you are referring to is […]
October 16, 2020 4 mins

I No Longer Love My Husband After He Married a Second Wife

Question: I am the first wife. Before my husband married a second wife he used to treat me badly just because he wanted to marry the second wife until I felt no love towards him. But soon after marriage, he became caring and loving towards me. I fail to return my heart to him. Please […]
October 14, 2020 3 mins

Is It Permissible to Be in an Elevator Alone With a Non-Relative Man?

Question: Is it permissible to be in an elevator with a non-mahram alone? It happens often but the time is very little and it usually safe. So should I continue using the elevator or do I have to take the stairs? Would I be sinful? I live on the 11th floor so it would be […]
October 14, 2020 2 mins

Negative Thoughts About God

Question: I didn’t pray or read the Quran. I asked relatives to teach me and help me understand certain aspects, and it helped me become a better Muslim. I’ve been praying now for over a year. Recently I’ve been having these terrible thoughts and doubts about Allah. Is this from Shaytan?  Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank […]
October 14, 2020 2 mins

Is Posting Pictures on Social Media to Promote My Business Considered Showing Of...

Question: I run a business through social media and when I travel, I like to take pictures and post them because people spread the word and I get more followers, hence more business. Am I showing off, even if just to promote my business? Should I stop posting pictures? Answer: Assalamu alaykum brother, Thank you for […]
October 13, 2020 2 mins

Making a Non-Verbal Oath in the Heart

Question: I am 15 years old and addicted to masturbation. l tried before many times to stop but I failed. A week ago I was so disappointed because I swore in my heart not to masturbate again. I now think this is a very terrible decision because in the near future I might do it […]
October 13, 2020 4 mins

Should My Mother Leave My Abusive Father?

Question: My parents have always fought. My dad can be very religious, but he has always treated my mother badly. He gets really mad at my mom that he ends up insulting her, swearing at her, insulting her in public, and more. He gives her the silent treatment, while she cooks fresh meals for him […]
October 13, 2020 3 mins

My Husband is Addicted to Marijuana

Question: I got married 2 years ago. He had confessed before marriage that he used to smoke and gave up and now occasionally smokes weed. I told him that for me smoking was a deal-breaker. I decided to marry him because he seemed like an overall wonderful person. The first few months were fine, but […]
October 13, 2020 2 mins

Do One’s Evil Deeds Cause Punishment to Come in this Life?

Question: What is the correlation between making mistakes and having bad things happen to you? How to get out of the mindset of “whenever I sin and something bad happens, it means I’m being punished”? How should one explain that Allah’s wisdom and choices aren’t limited to what we do? How does one pull oneself […]
October 13, 2020 2 mins

Someone Else’s Istikhara Contrary to One’s Own Istikhara

Question: I am seeing a girl for marriage, she initially did istikhara and did not receive any signs so she went ahead with the proposal. We haven’t been engaged yet but our families have visited. I also prayed istikhara and went ahead with my gut feeling. I also saw in a dream that we were […]
October 13, 2020 3 mins

Arranged Marriage to Someone I am not Attracted to

Question: I am a 24-year-old British man who got married 4 months ago in Bangladesh. I have been going through depression since I felt like I got pressured in getting married. I have been feeling very stressed and I am back in the UK now after my marriage. She sends me photos on occasions and […]
October 13, 2020 4 mins

How to Deal with an Abusive Father?

Question: My father verbally abuses me and my siblings and my mother. He used to beat me and my sister and has used a hanger to beat my sister when she was young. He also threatens to abandon us is as he is the only source of income in our family. He has verbally abused […]
October 13, 2020 2 mins

I Want to Stop Working So I Can Study Islam

Question: I’ve worked most of my married life but have always longed to study Islam. I’ve decided to study next year but my husband says I am unfair and impulsive. There will be pressure on him but I plan to sell things to supplement the income. Will I be rejecting sustenance by giving up my […]
October 13, 2020 3 mins

I Still Love a Man Who Left Me

Question: I was in a relationship four years ago but one day he betrayed me. He is with another girl now. I still love him so much and I constantly ask Allah to give him to me in a halal way. I prayed istikhara a year back about it. My friend tells me not to […]
October 10, 2020 2 mins

Motivation to Memorize Qur’an

Question: How can I ward off laziness to review and memorize? How can I improve the zeal to memorize the Qur’an? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, The tremendous blessing that you have to be able to memorize Qur’an is like no other. If Allah has put you in a position to be able to do so, you […]
October 10, 2020 1 min

I Accidentally Said Something Like Shirk, Am I Still Muslim?

Question: I was praising Allah after praying and I was saying, “Praise Be to Allah, Lord of the Seen and Unseen“. My mouth got dry and I accidentally said “Praise ME“ instead of “Praise Be”. Have I left the fold of Islam? Answer:  Alhamdulillah, no, you have not left the fold of Islam. You did […]
October 10, 2020 2 mins

Can I Post My Pictures on Social Media While Wearing Correct Hijab?

Question: Is it permissible for girls who wear proper hijab to post their pictures on an online platform? Answer: Assalamu alaykum sister, Thank you for your question. There are a few gray areas when it comes to posting your pictures online that you may want to consider: Permissibility of photography What is the Ruling on Taking […]
October 10, 2020 1 min

My Menstruation Started While I Was in Janaba

Question: I delayed my ghusl after intercourse until the fajr prayer during which my menstruation started after sunrise. Should I perform ghusl for janaba despite having entered menstruation? Or should I take both ghusl for janaba and menstruation after it ends and makeup fajr? Answer: Assalam Alaykum Thank you for your question sister. There is […]
October 9, 2020 1 min

Can I Study at a University to Become a Professor?

Question: I wish to study at a university like Harvard and become a professor of Political science or History. Is it permissible to study there political science? Is it halal for me to become a professor of political science or history and teach at a university? Will my earnings be halal? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, 1) Yes, […]
October 5, 2020 4 mins

Should I Study Islam or Start My Post-Graduate Degree?

Question: I am graduating but I doubt my decision to study veterinary medicine for six years. I really want to study Islam, which I know shamefully little of. There’s no place here in the UK to study Islam and my dad won’t let me travel alone. What should I do? Answer:  Assalamu alaykum, Thank you […]