Tag Archive for: Allah

Allah's Deal With The Poor

Charity in the Qurʾān: Preservation of the Inherent Dignity of Recipients

When he was at a stoplight behind a long row of cars a couple…
Is The End of the World Near

VIDEO: Is The End of the World Near?

What are the signs of the end of times? How do we prepare? Shaykh Faraz…

Why Did Allah Create Humans With The Potential For Evil?

When Allah first told the angels that He was going to place Adam…
Why Islam

Why Islam Makes Sense. Shaykh Ahmad Sa’ad Makes A Compelling Case.

Why are we Muslim and do we often take our faith for granted?…
Speak Good About Others

An Unwavering Moral Compass

A woman once had something that was more valuable than all her…
islamic fatalism

Is There Such A Thing as Islamic Fatalism?

A lot of people get confused between the idea of relying on…
informative to transformative

Informative To Transformative: How To Upgrade Your Prayer

Why are there so few hadith or verses of the Quran about performing…
The Purpose of Guidance

Never an Empty Shell: The Purpose of Guidance

Islam is a difficult word for many to grapple with these days.…
the Land of the Prophet's Birth

Seeking Guidance Online in the Land of the Prophet’s Birth

Brother Abdullah Ibn Zubair Buhaini was born to a family of scholars…
How Can Muslims Become More Effective Community Members

Sunnahs for a Healthy Community

Is your community torn apart by petty jealousies, conflicts and…